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Guillermo Sexo are a Boston based band focusing on song craft. Songs that echo with fuzzed out intensity, dense dreamy mood swings, and elements of psych-pop. They creatively combine raw elements of punk, shoegaze and space pscyh, they whittle them into precious gems.

The band’s, “Dark Spring,” (2013) marked the band’s debut on Midriff Records; of which Clicky Clicky Music Blog called an album that “crackles with vitality.” Dark Spring appeared on various Best Of Year lists, toured, and made appearances in three music festivals — Together Fest, Boston Fuzztival, and the Rock and Roll Rumble respectively



Guillermo Sexo - Fall Lens - Directed by Reuben Bettsak

Guillermo Sexo - Carried a Golden Heart - Ripcurl

Guillermo Sexo - Live - Video by Michael Murray

Guillermo Sexo - Balboa - Rip Curl